Dunnes Irish Bar
Dunne’s Irish Pub & Restaurant is a replication of some of the authentic elements that make the great pubs in Ireland truly unique. This pub & restaurant has high vaulted ceilings with newly replicated authenticate wooden bars and a stunningly beautiful wooden floor. Born of painstaking attention to decorative detail and insistence on true craftsmanship, this Irish pub is pleasing to the eye as well as to the palette. We hope to provide you with a place of solace away from the hustle and bustle of Barcelona city life where you and your friends can enjoy the friendly, buzzing atmosphere. We insist on hiring friendly helpful staff, and offer the best in beer and food with a genuinely warm welcome to all who visit this venue.
The impressive building and main bar is stunningly beautiful. We have an outdoor terrace area that accommodates an outdoor seating area with views of the oldest part of Barcelona in existence. These majestic wall and archways date from the early 4th century AD. All this is in view within 20 feet from Dunnes Irish Bar.
Feel free to contact us with any questions you have.
Are you Booking or Reserving a space for one of our Activities, Events, Tours or Barcelona Bar Crawls? Simply inform us of the events or activities you’re interested in, how many people will be attending, the date of your arrival and a contact name and phone number. One of our advisors will be in contact with in the next 24 hours.